Lake Lotawana
Sportsmen's Club

Practicing proper gun safety is key to minimizing risks of severe injury or accident when maintaining a safe shooting environment. At Lake Lotawana Sportsmen's Club, the safety of our patrons, staff, and guests is of the utmost importance. Prior to shooting, all guests are required to fill out our mandatory safety waiver to ensure proper protocol is being followed on the shooting field. Safety measures are strictly enforced at all times.

Safety Rules
LLSC is a safe, friendly, and respectful place for all of our members and guest to gather in the spirit of fellowship, relaxation, and recreation for the enjoyment and expansion of the shotgun sports. All members, staff, and visitors are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a friendly and respectful manner. Any violation of the rules are grounds for removal from the club. We reserve the right to restrict access to the club or its properties to any person that does not adhere to the following rules:
EYE and EAR PROTECTION: All persons, including observers, will wear eye and ear protection when inside the shooting area. Individuals assume all responsibility for any injury that may occur by not wearing eye and ear protection and agree to hold LLSC harmless.
Loading your shotgun: NEVER load the firearm until it is your turn to shoot. You must be on the line in a designated shooting station prior to loading your gun.
Number of shells in the gun: Never load more shells in the gun than you are allowed to shoot listed below. Loading more ammo than is allowed is grounds for removal from the club.
Trap 1 shell at a time
Doubles 2 shells at a time
Target Loads ONLY: Only lead shot is allowed. No ammo larger than 12ga 2 ¾” and 1 1/8 ounces of shot. Only shot size from 7-9 is allowed. Shooting non-approved ammo is grounds for removal from the club. Unless it is a special sanctioned club event. If you are in question about your ammo meeting any of these requirements, please ask management for confirmation.
ALWAYS treat all guns as if they are loaded at all times.
ALWAYS keep all guns pointed in a safe direction. Up or away is best.
NEVER point a firearm in the direction of anyone at any time.
ALWAYS keep you gun unloaded until it is your turn to shoot.
ALWAYS keep your finger away from the trigger and safety on until it is your turn to shoot.
ALWAYS be aware of your surroundings and other patrons while on the trap field.
Rules of Conduct
In addition to all club safety rules, visitors are required to follow LLSC's set of conduct rules, including:
While waiting your turn to shoot, you will remain behind the trap field in a designated location and clear of the active shooters field of vision
When exiting a designated trap field, the shooter will ensure the shotgun is unloaded and in a safe position. Action should be opened, or gun broken over.
Consumption of drugs/alcoholic beverages is NOT allowed before or during shooting.
Never handle another shooters gun without permission.
It is strictly forbidden to shoot any birds or animals while on LLSC property. Unless in a special event sanctioned by the club.
You must pick up and dispose of all empty shell cases in the appropriate containers.
Comply with all directions and warnings as posted.
All individuals are required to report any safety violation, unsafe use of firearm, act of vandalism, rude or lude behavior, injury on the property or violation of any other club rules while on property.
Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied and under the supervision of an adult to handle any firearm unless the individual is approved by club management.
Members shall be considerate of all other members and guest while visiting the club.
Members and guest will refrain from the use of obnoxious, offensive, or abusive language.
When a member or employee of LLSC is in the trap house an orange safety cone will be placed on top the trap house. While someone is in the trap house never activate the manual or voice activated system or ever attempt to shoot.
All firearms will discharge from the shoulder. Unless in a special event sanctioned by the club.
Only authorized persons are allowed in the trap houses or to adjust the trap machines.
If you witness someone acting in an unsafe manner, politely refer them to the club rules, if the conduct persists notify club management immediately.
I assume all responsibility for my personal actions and waive for myself, administration, successors and assignees all claims or demands against LLSC or its agents, servants, employees or volunteers for any injury or loss occurring or arising out of my exercise of any privileges granted to me by this form or the club.